The configuration space of the three dimensional Lens space L(7,2) and its model

The configuration space of the three dimensional Lens space L(7,2) and its model

Giulio Calimici – GJM, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017), 29-36.

We study the algebraic topology of the two point configuration space on the lens space L(7,2), describing an explicit finite dimensional model for the algebra of De Rham differential forms on the universal cover of the two point configurations space \Omega_{DR}^*(\tilde{F}_2(L(7,2))).

Categories: Issue1, 2017


Received: June 2017
Published online: August 2017


Giulio Calimici
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université Lille 1,
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
