Autour d’un problème extrémal étudié par Edmund Landau

Autour d’un problème extrémal étudié par Edmund Landau

Michel Balazard – GJM, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2020), 88-110.

This expository article is an introduction to Landau’s problem of bounding the derivative, knowing bounds for the function and its second derivative, and some of its variants and generalizations. Connections with convex and functional analysis, numerical integration, and approximation theory are emphasized. Among others, we describe the set of extreme points of the relevant set of functions.

Categories: Issue2


Received: July 06, 2019.
Accepted: May 09, 2020.
Published online: November 11, 2020.


Michel Balazard
CNRS, I2M, Université Aix Marseille,
Marseille, France
