Miyachi’s theorem for oscillator Lie groups

Miyachi’s theorem for oscillator Lie groups

Dhoha Lahyani – GJM, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017), 1-9.

We formulate and prove an analogue of Miyachi’s theorem for the oscillator groups, which is a semi-direct product of \mathbb{R} with the Heisenberg group \mathbb{H}_{3}. This allows us to generalize and prove an analogue of the Hardy and Cowling-Price uncertainty principle on G.

Categories: Issue1, 2017


Received: Mars 2017
Accepted: July 2017


Dhoha Lahyani
Faculté des Sciences, Département de Mathématiques,
B.P 1171 Sfax 3000, Université de Sfax, Tunisia
