On the bases of the image of 2-adic logarithm on the group of principal units

On the bases of the image of 2-adic logarithm on the group of principal units

Mabud Ali Sarkar and Absos Ali Shaikh – GJM, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2023), 69-77.

This paper computes the bases of the image of the 2 -adic logarithm on the group of the principal units in all 7 quadratic extensions of \mathbb{Q}_2 . This helps one understand the free module structure of the $2$-adic logarithm at arbitrary points on its domain. We discuss some applications at the end.

Categories: 2023, Issue1


Received: November 02, 2022
Accepted: March 01, 2023
Revised: April 13, 2023
Published online: August 08, 2023


Mabud Ali Sarkar and Absos Ali Shaikh
Department of Mathematics,
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan-713104, India.
